
First ARSR-4 Commissioned by the FAA

On April 12, 1996, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) commissioned the nation’s first Air Route Surveillance Radar 4 (ARSR-4) air route surveillance radar.

An Air Route Surveillance Radar is a long-range radar system used by the United States Air (USAF) Force and the FAA to control airspace within and around the borders of the United States.

The ARSR-4, which the FAA added in the early 1990’s to a series of long-range radars, features a “look down” capability that enables the radar to detect aircraft attempting to elude detection by flying at low altitudes. The ARSR-4 systems are installed along the borders and coastal areas of the contiguous United States and are generally unmanned. Instead, they are equipped with remote monitoring of both the radar data and the status of the radar’s health and environment.
Photo Credit: FAA
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