
“World’s best-selling light jet”: Phenom 300 Series

On February 21, 2024, Embraer announced that its Phenom 300 series had maintained its status as the “world’s best-selling light jet” for 12 consecutive years. According to data released by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), since Embraer delivered 63 Phenom 300 series aircraft throughout 2023, the Phenom 300 also attained the best-selling twinjet for the fourth year running.

The Phenom 300E has a high-speed cruise of 464 knots, a five-occupant range of 2,010 nautical miles (3,724 km), and NBAA IFR reserves. Additionally, the aircraft offers unmatched avionics that include a Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System (ROAAS), which was the first to be developed and certified in business aviation, and a  Coupled Go-Around, Emergency Descent Mode (EDM).

Photo Credit: https://eej.imagerelay.com/share/5aeea4a1397a4c028ee3c2c715b28240.

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